Internet of Things - IOT Training

Internet of Things - IOT Training

Internet of Things - IOT Training

Training Cost: $495.00
Training Type Instructor Based Online Training
Schedule 24-March-2018, 7:30 AM PST | 9:30 AM EST | 7:00 PM IST
Audience and Prerequisites

The Internet of Things (IoT) is ushering a new era in science and technology, which will forever change our personal as well as professional lives, our consumer habits and the way we do business. With the fast changing world, these latest inventions and innovations will become the norm by 2020 and we estimate more than 50 billion devices will be connected via the Internet. In order to create early adopters, we have introduced a one of its kind course on ‘Internet of Things’, the next big thing in the IT industry.

IoT extends the Internet from most used devices like desktop and portable computers, Smartphone’s and tablets to various variants of devices and everyday things that utilize embedded technology to speak and act with the external surroundings, all via the internet.

Learn how you can derive deep business insight from the Internet of Things (IoT) while boosting your skills from COSO IT and be future ready.


The course is designed for professionals with basic knowledge of electronic circuit design, microcontrollers and programming languages. The course introduces you to advance concepts and design methodologies to design IoT systems and develop IoT applications. It also exposes participants to communication technologies and legacy protocols as well as newly developed IoT specific application and physical layer protocols. The course covers python language in great detail with set of packages which makes it obvious choice as a leading IoT language.

The training also educates you on the emerging low-cost credit-card sized computer – Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi can be plugged into TVs and monitors and uses standard keyboard and mouse. This mini device enables professionals to explore computing and learn programming in languages like Python.

Certification COSO IT Certified


Concepts & Definitions –Identification, localization, wireless protocols, data storage and security; Collecting, communicating, coordinating, and leveraging the data from connected devices; understand how to develop and implement IoT technologies, solutions, and applications. Machine Learning, Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence.



  • IoT Network Architecture
  • IoT Device Architecture
  • IoT Application Architecture
  • Client-Server vs Publish Subscribe Architecture


  • Sensors – Classification & selection criteria based on nature, frequency and amplitude of signal
  • Embedded Development Boards – Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Galileo, ESP8266
  • Interfacing peripherals & Programming GPIOs – Input/output peripherals, Sensor modules
  • Design Considerations – Cost, Performance, Scalability & Power Consumption tradeoffs
  • Overview of Operating Systems for IoT Devices: Linux, Contiki, Riot, Brillo


  • Wired Communication Protocols – UART, USART, SPI, I2C, ModBUS, CAN
  • Wireless Communication Protocols – Bluetooth, Beacons, WiFi, Overview of Zigbee, 6lowPAN, LPWAN and other IoT communication technologies and protocols (coverage area, frequency range, power usage, interference aspects and legalities)
  • Networking Protocols – OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP, Ethernet
  • Application Protocols – HTTP, Web sockets, MQTT,  Overview of CoAP, XMPP, AMQP
  • Device management, discovery, addressing
  • Device to Device or Machine to Machine communication (M2M)

CLOUD COMPUTING: Concept & Architecture of Cloud

  • Role of Cloud Computing in IoT
  • Tools, API, and Platform for integration of IoT devices with Cloud
  • IoT cloud platform and integration with Gateway (Thingspeak, AWS IoT and Pubnub)
  • Web services  and APIs

Overview of IoT Analytics and Security.


  1. Interfacing sensor (Analog & Digital) with MCUs
  2. Interfacing switches and LEDs with MCUs
  3. Interfacing sensors and other peripherals using SPI and I2C communication protocols
  4. Installation of Numpy, Panda, IoT analytics and many other python packages
  5. Installation and Working with Ipython notebooks
  6. Learning python fundamentals and programming
  7. Running python on Raspberry Pi, GPIO programming
  8. Setting up wireless (Bluetooth) link between systems
  9. Configuring Bluetooth module by using AT commands
  10. Configuring and uploading data on cloud using WiFi ESP8266 module using AT commands
  11. Programming ESP8266 module using LUA and Micropython to access/upload data on cloud
  12. Setting up HTTP server and testing HTTP methods on localhost and with cloud
  13. Setting up MQTT server and testing publish & subscribe methods
  14. Understanding TCP/IP protocol and pushing and pulling data from the cloud using Restful APIs.
  15. Understanding differences between TCP and UDP protocols practically
  16. Setting up a private cloud/server on Raspberry Pi
  • Plot location & Route on Google map  Based on condition plot locations of Smart Garbage Bin (node) with the respective status of Garbage Bin i.e. empty /half /Full Garbage bin, on Google map and Plot the optimized route for garbage collection truck route on Google map.
PlBased on condition plot locations of Smart Garbage Bin (nod
e) with
respective status of Garbage Bin i.e. empty /half /F
ull Garbage bin, on
Google map and
Plot the optimized route for garbage collection truck route
on Google ma